COVID-19: Journey so far in Africa, Sierra Leone records 10 cases

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Sierra Leone has recorded 10 cases of the pandemic Coronavrus 19, as the dreadful disease tightenes its grip on many nations of the world.

Our man, Olatunde Fowomola in Freetown the capital of the country, in a television with Duaglobalnews, however, disclosed that that country had not recorded death arising from the disease.

“Another 14 days lock down started yesterday, though partial, we are restricted to our district,” he said.

The online publication reports that the world has registered over 1.6 million cases since it broke out in Wuhan, China, toward the end of the end 2019.
According reliable sources, there are now more than over 12,900 confirmed cases of coronavirus across African countries.

The frightening development has prompted a number of them to impose a range of prevention and containment measures against the spread of the pandemic.

The latest data by John Hopkins University and Africa Center for Disease Control on COVID-19, revealed that the whole of Africa had rising cases with only two countries holding out as of April 11.

While the online shall keep the public on developments on the pandemic Coronavrus, suffice to say, that based on statistics from Africa CDC updates, from the John Hopkins University and from official government data, this is how the disease has infiltrated some African countries.

Confirmed cases = 12,966
Number of deaths = 695
Recoveries = 2,147
Infected countries = 52
Virus-free countries = 2 (Lesotho, Comoros)
Countries in alphabetical order
Algeria – 1,761
Angola – 19
Benin – 35
Botswana – 13
Burkina Faso – 448
Burundi – 3
Cameroon – 820
Cape Verde – 7
Central African Republic – 8
Chad – 11
Comoros – 0
Congo-Brazzaville – 60
DR Congo – 223
Djibouti – 150
Egypt – 1,794
Equatorial Guinea – 18
Eritrea – 34
Eswatini – 12
Ethiopia – 65
Gabon – 44
(The) Gambia – 4
Ghana – 378
Guinea – 212
Guinea-Bissau – 36
Ivory Coast – 480
Kenya – 189
Lesotho – 0
Liberia – 37
Libya – 24
Madagascar – 93
Malawi – 9
Mali – 87
Mauritania – 7
Mauritius – 318
Morocco – 1,448
Mozambique – 20
Namibia – 16
Niger – 438
Nigeria- 305
Rwanda – 118
Sao Tome and Principe – 4
Senegal – 265
Seychelles – 11
Sierra Leone – 10
Somalia – 21
South Africa – 2,003
South Sudan – 4
Sudan – 17
Tanzania – 32
Togo – 76
Tunisia – 671
Uganda – 53
Zambia – 40
Zimbabwe – 13

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