By Bernard Balogun.
Stanley Olubunmi.
His birth, as one of the gandsons, heralded good tidings in the Balogun family. But none of us took note of that angle ab nitio. His mother was the last child of the family.
Significantly, his birth coincided with the 8years of Rev Sr Angela Dada Balogun (the first lady in the Balogun family) as a Rev Sr of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and elder sister to Stanley’s mom.
Another coincidence, his birth was eight months away to the ordination of Very Rev Fr Larry Balogun in December 1990.
It is obvious from childhood, Stan had resolved to live a life of celibacy. He is reserved, not giving to frivolity associated to children of his age. He was, and still is, profoundly focussed. He hardly made demands. His quietude confounded me and l erroneously interpreted that to be a deliberate act of arrogance. That was before l get to understand him properly and my impression of him changed.
He is a young man with a genuine sense of perseverance, focused with a strong-willed approach to life, in spite the tough terrain in the course of reformation. Amazingly, his singularity of purpose quite early in life transcends a young man of his age. He never allowed the circumstances of birth to define his purpose in life. In fact, he was quick to identify his purpose in life. He actually experienced difficult and rough moments but he remained focussed, determined and gleefully soldiered on.
I know on a day like this your mother will be celebrating with you from the celestial realm. Similarly your late grandmother will be proud of you on a day like this and as we know her, she will regularly intercede for you. O yes, our late elder brother, Patrick, who first announced your birth to me in far away Ibadan will be glad with you from his celestial realm, for you have accomplished that journey he began but unable to accomplish due to existential reasons.
Congratulations on your admission into the Presbyterian class of a Revd Fr – Stanley Olubunmi Eriki on Friday, August 19, 2022.
Ad multos annos.
Bernard Balogun (BenPino) writes from Abuja