Comedians “kill” boredom on Warri-Itapke rail trip

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By Dada Ahmed in Warri,Itake

The journey by rail which some passengers describe as can be boring,inview of its snow pace, assumed a hilarious and seamless exercise on Thursday as many passengers on coach 27 of the Warri-Itapke bound train took to laughing galore, courtesy of free service offered by two young standing comedians.


The Correspondent of The Reporters, who was inside the train,reports that the jokes which ushered in passengers into lovely atmosphere started when one of the passengers disembarked from the train at one the stop over stations to buy local drink, popularly known as “embalmment”and in the process missed the train due to what his friend described as a nonchalant attitude.



He was advised to discard the mission but turned deaf ear to the advice and ended unable to join the train again to Itapke for onward journey to Abuja. He was seen waving the train to stop but all with avail.

Invariably,the issue elicited reactions of passengers some of blame him and others expressed sympathy.

Characteristically making fun of the passenger, one of the comedians,in his early 20s, sparked up the joke and was joined by his colleague, drawing inference from the unfortunate circumstance to crack jokes, vis a vis other social and economic issues affecting Nigerians.


At the peak of the jokes, some passengers were seen reeling in profuse laughter beating tighs and some falling on each other as the comedians put more “fire” into their trade to elicit more smiles on dull faces.

The lively environment lasted til the train reached Itapke at about 2 p.m and the passengers disembarked with sense of fulfilment of overcoming boredom usually associated with traveling with train, taking photographs, exchanging addresses and telephone numbers.

A passenger confessed having benefitted immensely from the convivial event,in an interview with our Correspondent.

The young man,said: “Honestly, I really enjoyed my journey by train today, the two comedians sent respite into my troubled mind and I felt so relaxed. They did a wonderful job by helping us to kill boredom and made us forget our worries as well as assisting in reducing our high blood pressure.

“What an interaction filled with funny experience manifesting in unity and good company.Maximising our unity in diversity like this is what Nigerians need to foster unity and move the country to the next level of development.

Other passengers commended the management of the Nigerian Railway Corporate (NRC) for the provision of an environment that enabled seamless journey for them, citing the eagle eyes of police personnel patrolling the coaches to maintain law and order to butress their point.

The online publication reports that the morning train which kicked-off at about 8.30 a.m reached Itapke at 2 p.m,a development some passengers described as “a record time”, and urged the management of the station to enhance such positive development.

They, however, called on the NRC to rehabilitate the highly deplorable road that leads to Agbarho railway station, describing the road as an “embarrassment” as well as ensuring constant electricity to the station to ensure security and comfort of passengers.

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