Osinbajo league of friends boosts health in kogi

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By Correspondent in Lokoja.


Dr Baoku Olusola


Dr Baoku Olusola of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, Kogi state, who got grant from league of friends of the Vice President, Prof.Yemi Osinbajo, has treated over 2,000 patients in Karara, Lokoja Local Government Area of Kogi State with the money from the grant.

Dr. Olusola, noted for organizing free medical outreach for masses,
in the state, said he was moved by the plight of the people in assessing medical care at no cost, told Journalists at the occasion that he decided to dedicate grant in meeting the health needs of rural dwellers.


He added that he lost his father when he was young and the mother took over his education responsibility and he finished his medical study and began to practice.


As he planning to reciprocate his mother’s efforts on him, the woman died. Since then, he decided to take to medical outreach to meet medical treatment of the less privileged in the society

He said, “I’m a person that believes in this philosophy that, if God blesses you, you increase your standard of living and not only your own but others around you..

” Over the years, I started “Health at Your Doorsteps”, where we locate a community, go there and treat the people free of charge.

“Recently, I became a beneficiary of Friends of Prof. I think it is an initiative of friends of the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo that they do every year.

” lSomebody nominated me for the grant which I got last month or thereabout and I felt this is another opportunity for me to do what I use to do.

” So immediately I got the grant, I took the money, then I contacted some of my friends, 10 Doctors and 20 nurses and we located Karara, one of the largest communities in Kogi State, for this programme,”he said.

He disclosed that men, women and children l with different ailments such as malaria, Typhoid, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcer among others were attended to and given drugs, free of charge.

The doctor thanked the Vice President’s league of Friends for giving him the opportunity to reach out to the down troddened and appealed to well to do individuals in the country to reach out to people, no matter how small.

“I want to use the opportunity to tell the Vice President that what he gave me, through his friends, has touched many lives and I am fulfilled,” the organiser added.

Dr Olusola also thanked league of friends of Prof. Osinbajo for the grant and prayed God to reward and take them to higher heights in their various endeavours.

Messrs John Abuh, Hajara Abdulkadir and Idris Ibrahim, who were among the beneficiaries of the programme, lauded Dr.Olusola and the vice president and his league of friends for their philanthropic disposition which they noted was worthy of emulation.

Edited by Dada Ahmed.

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