Rural-Urban Connectivity For Massive Investment And Development in Anambra, Godwin Ezeemo to the rescue

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(C) Ezeemo Media Office

Rural-urban connectivity is multi-beneficial. Particularly in the face of high neglects at the rural Communities as well as enabling better access to services located in urban areas such as healthcare, education, and for increased political and social participation, connectivity to urban markets allows lengthening of market chains and connecting rural producers to the wider market, enabling participation in the state andnational economy.

Building better transport infrastructure and greater rural-urban connectivity is important to improve the efficiency and volume of economic activity in rural areas. This benefit relates directly to SDG Goal 8, which calls for sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through employment and access to work.

Road networks that enable faster and safer access to markets, jobs and other economic and social activities provide significant socio-economic benefits to rural communities. It further helps with income generation and improvement of farmer’s livelihood activities and reducing poverty rate.

With Mr Ezeemo having demostrated how this can be achieved in Practical sense through the roads he completed in Umuchu, Aguata local government area proves is a clear indication that he is more than ready to replicate same agenda on a wider scale as the governor of Anambra State.

Further, in his initiative to ensure that rural urban connectivity is achieved he loved in to donate the boat that aids the people of Anambra west to transportation their agricultural product to land market areas. There are so many other clear instances of his rural development inputs.

Mr Ezeemo through his existing antecedents on rural urban connectivity believes that Rural-urban linkage leads to stronger agricultural productivity; essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, which promotes food security. Most rural communities depend on agriculture (including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry) for subsistence and income generation.

The agricultural benefits of rural roads have been clearly identified in many conscious societies. As a component of generating economic activity, rural connectivity also plays important role for poverty reduction and improving of quality of life.

Consequently, connecting rural and urban areas should be viewed as just one part of a multifaceted and strategic approach to stimulate sustainable economic growth in rural areas that will contribute to the sustainable development of the Community.

Removing barriers to rural-urban mobility will enable economic growth, but the benefits will be much larger with supportive policies, markets and infrastructure investments.


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