You came out of your mother’s womb empty and naked, though you had the opportunity of being welcomed with a new kind of shining cloth. When you die either as a young or old individual, in a peaceful situation, you will have another opportunity to be covered with a clean cloth. Two short scenarios: 1. A rich man once told his children on his sick bed that any time he died and the body was being taken to the cemetery for burial,he would want his two hands exposed so that the whole world would know that he was going back empty. 2. When the body of a rich man was to be lowered into the grave,a well-known mad man in the village started crying profusely. As the young boys wanted to move him away, the priest stopped them and asked the mad man why he was crying. He said, ‘Father, the grave is small, there is no space for the rich man’s cars’. Everyone was stunned and the priest changed the topic of commendation rites to ‘ vanity upon vanity,all is vanity’. That’s the food for thought for today. Live a good life and be counted. Emman Omadivi.