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By Prince A A Oziandu.

Dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I write to you today to draw your attention to an urgent matter that requires your immediate action. The safety of Nigerian citizens abroad should be a priority for our government, and recent events have shown that serious action needs to be taken to address this issue.

One particular case that highlights the urgent need for intervention is the tragic murder of Isaiah Odugbemi. Isaiah, a Nigerian citizen living in the United States, was senselessly shot dead by his neighbor, a man named Giroux. The loss of Isaiah’s life has left his family devastated and our nation in mourning.

It is encouraging to know that justice is being pursued through the legal system in the United States, as Giroux has been arraigned for trial in a criminal court. However, it is crucial that the Nigerian government takes a proactive role in ensuring that justice is served in this case.

I urge you, as the President of Nigeria, to intervene and ensure that the investigation into Isaiah Odugbemi’s murder is thorough and comprehensive. The Nigerian government must work closely with the relevant authorities in the United States to provide any necessary support or information to ensure a fair trial.

Furthermore, it is imperative that the Nigerian government takes proactive measures to protect the lives and well-being of its citizens residing abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should collaborate with foreign governments to establish safety protocols and support systems that ensure the welfare of Nigerians in other countries. This includes working closely with law enforcement agencies to address cases of violence or discrimination against Nigerians.

President Tinubu, Nigerians abroad should feel confident that their government is actively working to protect them from harm. We cannot allow such instances of violence against our citizens to go unchecked. This tragic incident should serve as a wake-up call to instigate tangible changes in our approach to safeguarding the lives of Nigerians living abroad.

I kindly request that you prioritize this matter and direct the appropriate government agencies to take swift action. By doing so, we can instill a sense of security and confidence in Nigerians residing abroad, reassuring them that we are committed to their safety and well-being.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I trust in your leadership and believe that under your guidance, we can work towards ensuring the safety of all Nigerian citizens, both at home and abroad.

Yours sincerely,

Prince A A Oziandu

Human Rights and Political Activist*

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