COVID 19: Stock of palliatives in Niger markets, Chanchaga council commences investigation

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The Authorities of Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger state says it has commenced investigation on how some quantities of palliatives, meant for Limawa community in Minna, where Corona Virus index case was discovered in the state, found their way into the open market.

Duaglobalnews reports that the succor came the way of Limawa Ward which has been on lockdown following the discovery of Corona Virus case in the area but that however turned out to be an opportunity for some scrupulous elements to play a fast one on the community.

Investigation by the online publication showed that the the local government took custody of palliatives which include bags of rice, maize, millet and cartons spaghetti few days ago.

Those who the palliatives were meant for wondered how the Chanchaga Local Government Security Committee, assigned with the task of supervising the distribution of the items, could not account for some of the items after it was presented to Limawa ward.

The online outfit gathered that apart from one bag of rice allegedly given out to each of the 9 member distribution committee,the rest could not be accounted for.

Reliable sources told Duaglobalnews that less than 13 bags of rice, 14 bags of millet and 15 bags of maize in addition to several cartons of spaghetti disappeared from the bulk initially presented to the ward for distribution.

Our correspondent, however, gathered that, the bubble burst when vice chairman of the local government, who incidentally is from Limawa, discovered some bags of the grains in the open market displayed for sale.

In an effort to unravel the mystery, the vice chairman was said to have drawn the attention of the Local Government chairman who immediately acted swiftly by demanding details of how the palliatives was shared be made known to him.

Apart from calling for investigation on how the palliatives were shared, the Council chairman is also said to have also reported the matter to Governor Abubakar Sani Bello and the Niger state chairman of the COVID: 19 Task force.

It is being alleged that a member of the state task force was involved in the ‘deal’.

Part of the assignment of the security committee, our correspondent learnt, is to find out under what law a members of the task force acted in dishing out part of the palliatives to members of the distribution committee since it was specifically meant for residents of Limawa Ward.

When contacted the Chairman of the council, Alhaji Ibrahim Abubakar Bosso, confirmed the story, assuring that a committee had been set up to investigate the matter, to submit report on Wednesday.

It will be recalled that state government gave Limawa ward palliatives after coronavirus positive case was discovered in the area and subsequently isolated the entire area.

Limawa was also granted preferential treatment in the distribution of the food items.

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