Man kills roommate over N300 electricity bill

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By Correspondent in Warri.

A middle aged man, Godstime Oke, has allegedly stabbed his roommate, Gaga Alliah to death over N300 electricity bill.

Our Correspondent gathered that the tragic event happened in Okumagba layout, Warri, Delta State on December 14,2022 at about the room apartment cohabiting the two parties involved in the fight.

The Reporters learnt that Oke and Allia got into a fight,a development that promoted Oke to allegedly stab the deceased in the neck with a broken bottle during which Alliah eventually bled to death due to the severity of the injury he sustained.

Immediately Alliah gave up the ghost,Oke was said to have taken to heels towards Ugborikoko area, neighbouring Warri but luck ran out of him as he was given hot chased, arrested and handed over to the Nigeria Police Force ‘B’ Division.

Stating his side of the coin on the issue during police interrogation, Oke explained that fight broke out between him and Alliah because Alliah refused to refund N300 a tenant paid to him when he (suspect) was not around.

According to Oke, he is the one assigned to be collecting money for their compound since there was light problem in their neighborhood.

He stated further that during the fight, one of his friends, Tega, who was around, broke a bottle and gave him a fraction,the object he used to stab Alliah to death.

The Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, for the Police Command in the State, DSP Bright Edafe, confirmed the incident, saying that the suspect had been in the custody of the command.

The PPRO, added that efforts were on to apprehend Tega, the suspected accomplice in the case among other investigations being carried by the Command.

Edited by Dada Ahmed.

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