By Dada Ahmed.
(News analysis)
(C): Google.
Every year, the 14th of February is celebrated globally as Valentine’s Day, a day associated with love, affection, and the exchange of gifts between loved ones. While the event has become a commercialized one with an emphasis on material gifts and romantic gestures, its original meaning has often been lost in modern celebrations. As we observe Valentine’s Day, especially among Nigerian youths, it is essential to reflect on how we can imbue the day with greater moral sanctity. By focusing on love that transcends romanticism and materialism, we can guide the younger generation towards deeper values rooted in respect, integrity, and social responsibility. Parents, organizations, and governments all have significant roles in achieving this goal.
The history of Valentine’s Day traces back to ancient times, with the most common story surrounding St. Valentine, a Roman priest who defied Emperor Claudius II’s ban on marriages. Claudius believed that single men made better soldiers, but St. Valentine secretly married couples in love, ultimately sacrificing his life for his belief in that regard.Over time, his act of love and sacrifice became associated with love and affection, culminating in the day we now call Valentine’s Day.
Although rooted in Christian tradition, Valentine’s Day evolved into a secular celebration of love during the Middle Ages, and its significance spread across different cultures. In contemporary times, it is recognized as a day to express affection for family, friends, and romantic partners alike. However, its commercialization has led many to misconstrue its essence, particularly among young people in countries like Nigeria.
In Nigeria, the celebration of Valentine’s Day has often been intertwined with materialism, peer pressure, and superficial expressions of love. Young people are often bombarded with the idea that Valentine’s Day is about lavish gifts, extravagant dates, and public displays of affection. This has led to a misunderstanding of the Day’s true meaning, with many youths equating love with materialism and short-lived pleasures.
Social media platforms have further exacerbated this issue, as young Nigerians are exposed to images and videos of “perfect” Valentine’s celebrations. This development has created unrealistic expectations and reinforcing the notion that love can only be validated through expensive gifts or public gestures. The trend has contributed to a growing culture of “gift-giving” as the primary expression of love, overshadowing the deeper moral values that Valentine’s Day should promote.
This perception led to the arguement in many quarters that, parents play a critical role in shaping the values of their children, and this extends to their understanding of Valentine’s Day. Therefore, the urge has been advanced that,the first and most important step is for parents to engage in open conversations with their children about the true meaning of love.
Those who buy this idea believe that,instead of encouraging the idea that love is merely about receiving or giving gifts, parents can emphasize the importance of love as a virtue—one that is built on respect, kindness, selflessness, and moral integrity.
Furthermore, parents can also model healthy relationships in their homes, showcasing how love manifests in actions beyond material gifts. This includes demonstrating love through words of encouragement, acts of service, and emotional support. When young people observe love in its purest form within their families, they are more likely to embrace these values in their own relationships, including those celebrated on Valentine’s Day.
Schools are another vital institution where the values of love and respect can be instilled in young minds. The role of educators in guiding students to appreciate the deeper essence of Valentine’s Day cannot be overstressed.Schools can organize events that focus on the importance of love in the context of friendship, family, and community. These activities can range from volunteering initiatives to workshops on emotional intelligence, empathy, and respect for others.
By integrating moral education into the curriculum, schools can encourage students to understand that love is not confined to romantic relationships but that is a universal value that applies to all aspects of life. Teachers can also help students develop the skills to express love in ways that align with personal integrity and social responsibility, which can be especially important in a culture where peer pressure often influences behavior.
More so, government has a significant role to play in promoting positive cultural practices surrounding holidays like Valentine’s Day. Through national campaigns, policymakers can encourage the younger generation to focus on the values of compassion, community, and altruism. Rather than endorsing the commercial aspects of Valentine’s Day, government initiatives can celebrate love as a force for good in society, urging young people to engage in acts of kindness and contribute to their communities.
Moreover, the government can partner with organizations to create safe spaces for young people to explore the meaning of love beyond the realm of materialism. For example, hosting public events where youths are encouraged to engage in charitable activities, such as visiting orphanages or elderly homes, would help shift the focus of the celebration from consumption to contribution.
Concerned members of the society observe that another way to restore the true spirit of Valentine’s Day is to redefine how people should celebrate love. According to them,rather than equating love with expensive gifts or grand gestures, youths can be encouraged to express love in meaningful ways that are rooted in sincerity. They add that simple acts of kindness, such as writing heartfelt letters, spending quality time with loved ones, or volunteering for a good cause, can serve as powerful expressions of love that do not rely on materialism.
Valentine’s Day can also be a time to reflect on the importance of self-love and self-care. By teaching young people that true love begins with a healthy sense of self-worth, we can help them make more informed choices in their relationships. Self-love, in this context, is about setting boundaries, practicing respect, and maintaining one’s dignity, all of which are essential for fostering healthy relationships.
Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping how young people perceive and celebrate Valentine’s Day. Influencers and celebrities often promote lavish celebrations that send the message that love must be displayed in extravagant ways. This has led many Nigerian youths to think of Valentine’s Day as a competition to showcase who can give or receive the most expensive gifts or the most romantic experiences.
In response, there is an urgent need for a shift in narrative. Social media platforms can be used to encourage young people to share stories of kindness, service, and genuine expressions of love. Influencers can help promote the message that true love is about emotional connection and caring for others, not about flaunting wealth or possessions. By celebrating acts of kindness, young people can see that the most meaningful expressions of love often come in the form of gestures that money cannot buy.
Religious institutions in Nigeria also have a significant role to play in shaping the understanding of Valentine’s Day. Religious leaders can use this occasion to remind their congregants about the importance of love as taught in sacred texts. For instance, Christian teachings often emphasize agape love—selfless, sacrificial love—and this can be highlighted during Valentine’s Day services and programs.
Religious leaders can encourage youths to express love through service to others, demonstrating that love is about lifting others up, not just about romantic pursuits.
Ultimately, the goal of reshaping Valentine’s Day among Nigerian youths is to foster a culture of kindness and compassion. Love should not be confined to a single day but should be seen as a daily commitment to treating others with respect, empathy, and care. Through community outreach, volunteering, and selfless acts, young people can learn that love, in its truest form, is about contributing to the well-being of others.
It must be stressed that while Valentine’s Day has become a global celebration of love, it is important for Nigerian youths to rediscover its deeper meaning beyond the surface-level materialism and romanticism that often accompany it. Parents, organizations, schools, religious institutions, and the government all have a role in guiding young people towards a more meaningful celebration of love—one that is rooted in moral sanctity and social responsibility.
By emphasizing love as a force for good, Nigerian youths can not only rethink Valentine’s Day but also transform it into an occasion for positive change and moral growth.
Ahmed publishes The Reporters.