Tinubu’s Policies Yielding Positive Results.

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… Kogi not a fertile ground to test criminality—Gov.Ododom.
By correspondent.

Nigerians, particularly people of Kogi State have been asked to key into the programmes and policies of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, as they are meant to better the nation.

The Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Usman Ahmed Ododo, gave the advice shortly after observing his Eid el Kabir prayers in Okene,and expressed satisfaction that the programme and policies of the present administration had been yielding results.

Gov. Ododo,who called for intense prayer for the present administration to overcome the challenges confronting the nation, described the President as one resolutely committed to bringing a new lease of life for the people,despite the initial difficulties.

While assuring that the present administration in the State would continue to make security its cardinal priority, Ododo said Kogi State is not a fertile land for criminals to come and test their intelligence.

On the last kidnap in confluence University of Science and Technology, the said the criminals wanted to test water, adding that unfortunate, they failed.

“Wherever they are, they are languishing in their pains if still alive,” he stressed.

Gov. Ododo expressed appreciation to President Tinubu, all the security agencies and local Vigilantees for the efforts in rescuing the abducted students, condole with the family of the two out of the 31 students who were died in the hands of the kidnappers.

Gov. Ododo urged Muslim faithful to use the Eid el Kabir celebration for sober reflection, adding that the occasion called for sacrifice, love, empathy, and being one’s brothers’ keeper.


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