NGO Puts Smile On Faces Of Widows in Ogun.

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By correspondent in Ota.
Beulah World Initiative (BWI), held her annual Widows Christmas Outreach 2023 in Canaanland, Ota, Ogun State,thus putting smile on the faces of many widows in the state.
The programme which hosted a good number of distressed widows who have been especially affected by the current economic situation in the country, was put together to primarily to help families of widows be able to eat in this Christmas Season. Second reason is for spiritual, emotional and mental strength for the journey ahead into a new year.
The anchor for BWI’s Widows Events is on the scriptural verses found in James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world,’ as well as Psalm 41:1-2, “The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: And thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.”
BWI has been holding this Widows Christmas Outreach for some years now, being inspired by God according to the founder, Ms. Chichi Ononiwu.
Beulah World Initiative is a Faith-based, non governmental and non profit organisation founded by Ms. Ononiwu by divine inspiration to help mitigate the effects of poverty and lack in Sub-Saharan Africa via a number of channels with a huge focus on Primary Healthcare delivery, through monthly community Medical and Food Outreaches to Rural and Sub-Urban communities across Nigeria and subsequently, other African Communities.
BWI runs her medical outreaches every month of each year, apart from January which is for praying, planning, scheduling, procurement of medical and food materials and training.
Ms. Ononiwu appreciated God for close friends and family who have been partnering with the vision over the years; and asked God to continue to increase them on all sides and make them hundred times better than their enemies.
She also called on responsible members of the public to join hands with BWI to reach suffering folks in rural communities with medical interventions, skills development, and groceries to stay alive while working towards self improvement and a better life.
She said the organisation is open to partnerships that will move our society forward. According to her, people in rural areas die of simple medical conditions that can be treated with little contributions from well meaning individuals in the society.
BWI, she said, can also hold outreaches on behalf of organisations and individuals who would like to impact or give back to the society or their communities in any capacity.
This year’s Widows Christmas Outreach catered for those who could make it to the venue and then sent out items to some who could not come to the venue for one reason or the other. The widows were also served refreshments.
One of the participants, Mrs. Nkechi, appreciated the efforts of BWI in helping her put food on her table this Christmas season. She prayed for continuous sustenance of BWI’s vision to help the vulnerable .
Another participant, Mrs. Okafor, expressed deep gratitude to BWI for making sacrifices to see that widows are able to feed their families for Christmas. She prayed for God’s blessings to be showered on the BWI team.
Mrs. Odukoya Felicia, another widow who benefited, expressed all shades of gratitude for the benevolence of God, shown to them through the works of the organisation, who she said has been holding events to encourage, empower and provide support to widows over the years. She prayed for God to visit Beulah World Initiative with bigger resources in order to do more.
A member of the BWI Team, and a renowned chef, Mrs. Ngozi Rotas, who led the opening prayers at the event, encouraged the women to learn to cast their burdens upon God and believe Him for their needs. She added that only God can love them and their children unconditionally.

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