Politics: Kogi West eyes Governorship seat in 2023

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By Correspondent in Lokoja..

Elders of the West Senatorial district of Kogi State, under the the aegis of Kogi West Elders’ Forum (KWEF) have told political parties to zone Governorship seat to the district in the next political dispensation in 2023.

The Reporters recalls that the first democratically elected governor of the state was the late Prince Abubakar Audu was from the East Senatorial district, while the current Governor, Alhaji Yahaha Adoza Bello, who is running his term in office is from the Central Senatorial district of the state.

Kogi State was created August 27,1991

The elders of the forum, who made their position clear in a communique signed by their Chairman, retired Maj.-Gen.David Jemibewon, expressed displeasure over what they described as the political imbalance in Kogi State between the three senatorial districts of the state.

The online publication also recalls that the West rejected the position of deputy governor gubernatorial election in 2015 which would have been occupied by Mr Abiodun Feleke.

Jemibewon described the skewed political power play in the state as unfair , adding that the development had denied Kogi West the ability to produce a governor of the state since its creation,despite the good intention and active participation of the people of the district in previous elections.

According to him, the two other senatorial districts:East and Central, have occupied the seat of the state governor for about 21 years , adding that it will be 25 years by the time the incumbent governor leaves office in less than two years from now.

“Political parties should consider candidates from Kogi West Senatorial District and we reject running mates in all political parties.

“All political parties in the Western Senatorial District must endeavour to work together to stimulate actions that would produce credible candidate(s) leading to their state primary elections in the state.

“Political parties in this regard must however align with the Eastern and Central Senatorial Districts of the state to accomplish the objective by working to produce a governorship candidate that will be acceptable to all the flanks of the state in the 2023 governorship election,” the communique added.

The forum,which reminded Governor Bello of the support of the people of Kogi West district during the last election, noted that as an aspiring president, he needed to be more than ever before, “demonstrate his support for an enduring power sharing and restructuring arrangement at the grassroots level in Kogi State and Nigeria.”

This idea,the forum further noted, is being widely convasssed by all critical and discerning minds in the country, adding that this was necessary to show the infallible strength of good character and integrity he” poses to lead a multi-ethnic nation like Nigeria.”

According to the elders, Kogi West Senatorial District is blessed with qualified candidates that understand the need for good governance that will benefit every part of the state.

They therefore advised the governor to shun anyone who would want to take the state back to the time when the whipping of sentiment, pettiness and selfishness of interest groups.

The elders noted to development influenced previous administrations to be parochial in the management of the power equation among the various ethnic groups in the state.

Edited by Dada Ahmed.

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