Ensure professional ethics,IBB charges Journalists

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By Correspondent in Minna

Former Military Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) has enjoined journalists to stick to the ethics of the profession that would earn them not just respect but make them compete favourably with their counterparts globally.

The former President spoke when he granted audience to the new leadership of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Niger state Council, led by Chairman, Comrade Abu Nmodu, at his Uphill residence in Minna, Niger state capital.

Babangida,who said he always admire journalists from western world in their carriage, reportage, presentations and as well adherence to ethics encouraged Nigerian journalists to strive to compete with their counterparts in other climes, if not better in all aspects of the profession.

The former Nigerian leader expressed joy that the new leadership of the council in the state decided to pay him courtesy visit and as well promising to instill professional discipline that would ensure that journalists practicing in the state were abreast of current and best global practices.

“I will want to insist that you should go along the objectives you have mentioned. I always watch foreign television and the way journalists deal with developments in their countries, be it policies, be it any other thing or national and international interests”.

Assuring the new leadership of the NUJ in Niger state of his unflinching support to enable them achieve their objectives, IBB said, “I’m impressed by the fact that you are going to move with the time in your own profession and that is a right step in the right direction”.

“Sometimes, I kept wondering, when should we reach that level, but now that you have that at the back of your mind, I want to tell you that I will support you to achieve those objectives and I want to see a situation whereby Niger state becomes a hallmark of example”.

“We all belong to the state and I am always very proud of the state. Anything that will showcase the state, I will be there for you to achieve this wholeheartedly. I assure you of my support in whatever objective you have in mind”.

Nmodu had earlier told Babangida, named after the state NUJ secreatriat ‘IBB Pen House’, that the visit was to appreciate his fatherly role over the years and to seek for his blessings in the task ahead.

The new council chairman also told his host of plans by the new state executive to bring about renaissance in journalism in Niger state aimed at moving with present day realities and make practitioners brace up with best global practices in media industry.

Abu,however, decried the dilapidated state of the NUJ secreatriat named after IBB and the need for the former President to come to their aid as he expressed preparedness of his team to establish an e-center, where journalists could fact-check their stories before going to press, hence bringing about an end to era of, ‘fake news’.

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