My attention has been drawn to a Facebook post by a Blogger: LiveTimesng.com which I considered faceless and without recognition.
Though, I ought not to respond to any statement that is not signed or carried a real name of anyone, but I decided on a second thought to,in order to dispel and put the record straight.
Let me first make it clear that I am not aware of anything of such, am very ignorant because for a sensible, responsible and busy minded human being to be writing not only a fake, but untrue and imaginative story known to the writer and his sponsors alone of what they claimed happened in 1994 calls for check on the psyche of the writer and his sponsors.
What does the writer and his sponsors stand to gain or achieve with their supposed incident of 27 years ago than to malign my personality or could it be to score a cheap political goal and mischievous mission, but the answer is best known to them. All I will say is that, they have all failed.
The writer and its sponsors did not do their home work very well. In one of the paragraphs, the writer said, it was alleged that Mrs Esan took me away on the night of the wedding and in subsequent paragraphs, said that the musician was still on the band stand dishing out his melodious music when the said Mrs Esan stormed the “wedding venue” and went away with the would be husband.
In another paragraph, the writer and his sponsors wrote that the relationship blossomed into marriage with an elaborate wedding ceremony held.
But the same husband to be was taking away on the night of the wedding, while the ‘friend’ and the supposed snatcher are said to be married to same husband.
The question here is: at what point was the husband already taken away returned to the marriage for it to be solemnised or it was never, but just moved the two women into the house?
With the above, it is Crystal clear that the writer and its sponsors are up for a game, but to what kind of such is what I don’t know. It is now clear that they are all confused, but because they need to write, for how much was paid,is what I don’t know and could not think rightly and in their thinking senses and caps.
Let me at this point advise the writer and its sponsors to face the criminal issue of violation and sexual harassment hanging on the neck of their friend and political ally, to see how they can save him from going to jail, rather than making attempts to malign my personality and trying to bring down my rising profile.They should not bring me into the issue at all as it has no link with me, aside the fact that my wife is the principal of the school of the sexual molested and harassed 15 year old innocent girl.
My wife, I can say without any iota of doubt and with all sense of responsibility, that she is a good, caring, responsible, a good mother and virtuous woman, who has done the needful by providing security and cover for the under-aged student who is supposed to be a responsible medical doctor, had turned to a sex machine. Though expected to provide safety and reasoning for the innocent girl, but instead turned her to her past time pleasure machine. I can easily refer to the run away doctor as a peodophyle.
I said my wife acted responsibly because it is only an irresponsible woman and mother that would cover such up, not even at this time when governments at all levels are preaching against rape and sexual molestation.
No responsible mother would cover up a case of violation against an under-aged, a young and promising girl for that matter who is supposed to havev passed through knowledge, but instead, sexually being harassed her under her care and cover such up or sweep such under the carpet.
I trust the woman I have as wife and mother, she will not and never close her eyes and ears to such.
Let me at this point advise the writer and the co-travellers to leave me out of their friend’s shameful act or attempt to link me or my family to their drowning life. Maybe the writer and his sponsors are trying to write my history for me, I don’t understand?
As I said earlier, I would have ordinarily ignored the ranting of the faceless writer or nameless write-up, but to put the record straight and dispel the unfounded, imaginative and fake write-up.
I want to challenge the writer, who the sponsor was known to be an agent of darkness and a betrayal of note, who can malign and blackmail, who is feeding him for a chicken change.
I therefore challenge the writer or any of its sponsors to come to the open with its full names, picture and proper address, then I will respond adequately, but then, I REST MY CASE.
Comrade Oluyemi Esan
Senior Special Adviser on Labour Matters to Ekiti State Governor.