Bishop Kukah again, knocks hard on corrupt officials

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Barely a week after he criticized the system in Nigeria that attracted mixed reactions from various social, economic and political divides, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, has taken another strong blow at the corrupt officials in Nigeria.

The Bishop accused the officials he identified of stealing money go to Jerusalem, Saudi to pray.

The cleric issued the verbal attack on those concerned at the wake mass for Archbishop Peter Yariyock Jatau at St. Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral in Kaduna.

The Bishop, whose sermon is entitled, “A Nation in Search of Its Soul”, noted that whereas, Nigerians usually complain that the country was full of churches and mosques,they could not find the values of religion in their leaders.

“We sin at home by stealing the nation’s resources but we seek repentance and forgiveness in Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem in the guise of lesser or higher pilgrimages,”he said.

Kukah, who is a member of National Peace Committee, likened Nigeria to the proverbial farmer searching for his black goat because darkness was setting in.

“Our nation has become one huge waste land, huge debris of the deceit, lies, treachery, double dealing and duplicity. Nigerian politicians have turned our politics into a huge trojan horse, a hoax, a hall of guile and dissimulation,” he added.

He, therefore, warned of the rising general frustration in the country, adding that the development was evident in domestic violence and inter-communal conflicts.

“A combination of all these has turned us unto a nation at war with itself,” the Bishop observed.

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