Why industral stagnation of Niger since 1976–Group

By Correspondent in Minna Besides security challenges besetting development in Niger state, Coalition of Business and Professional Association (NICOBPA) has identified lack of industrial growth and development epileptic electricity supply, bad roads unfriendly govt policy as some of the factors responsible for the industral stagnation of the 45-year-old state. The Chairman of the Coalition, Alhaji…

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EFCC seeks RTEAN collaboration on Anti-Graft War

By Correspondent in Ilorin Realising that some criminals in Nigeria use public transport as canopy to launder money,the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, has called on Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN) to support the anti-corruption crusade of the commission to stop the illegal activity. Mr Usman Muktar,head of the kwara state zonal office…

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UN trains 200 victims of violence in Ekiti

By Correspondent in Ado-Ekiti The UN Development Programme (UNDP) says it has trained 200 women and youth, victims of violence in different skills acquisition and empowerment in Ekiti State, to complement the efforts of government in tackling the insecurity and unemployment across the country. The UNDP Governance, Peace and Security Team Lead, Mr Matthew Alao,…

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Experts advocate women economic empowerment for self reliance

By Correspondent in Lokoja As part of measures to ensure that more women are empowered for self-sustenance and as well reduce joblessness, experts have made a case for citizens engagement for successful women’s economic empowerment and development. An expert in Agriculture Extension and Forestry from the University of Ibadan, Professor Mohammed Kuta Yahaya,made the call…

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Bada urges youths to develop mental capacity to solve challenges

By Correspondent in Ilorin     [contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]       Mr Ade Bada addressing audience in Lokoja A motivational speaker, Mr Ade Bada,has urged youths in Nigeria to development mental and emotional capacity to cope with the challenges of the contemporary…

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