Much ado about minimum wage: Crocodile tears flowing like rivers Niger and Benue .

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By Otori Ozigi Samuel Ochetengwu

Nigerians are very funny set of people.

Particularly the elites and political office holders who can pretend to be on the side of the masses, particularly, at a difficult times like this that the country is facing unprecedented mass poverty in the land.

When you want to see the true colors of the fakeness of Nigerians, then let there be contemporary issues that has to do with the welfare of the less privileged and poorest of the poor in the land.

To this end, therefore, Nigerians are being entertainted to all sorts of music and soap opera by those who claims to love us, even although we know that there is no iota of love in their hearts.

All na boju boju of the highest order.

We saw what happened when economic rain or hardship started beating Nigerians, sequel to the unplanned and I’ll advice removal of fuel subsidy by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on his first official day in the office, when he announced to bemused and bewildered general public that fuel subsidy was gone.

Just like that!

I had thought that he had a well laid out plans to cushion the effects of such a far,-reaching and economic decision that would have a direct impact on every socioeconomic life of the generality of the Nigerians

But, as it panned out, the President has no single idea of the direct impact of such an important economic policy in the life of the country.

As it were, we are all paying for the sins of such unplanned and I’ll adviced economic decision that have made everybody poor and lacking the wherewithal to put ordinary garri, and noodles on the table that we had all taken for granted for years back.

As it turned it out to be, many of our so called political leaders and other opportunitnists are now shedding crocodile tears pretending to love the ordinary people on the streets, who are worst hit or affected by the prevailing and unprecedented economic hardships in the land.

Personally,I have never been this poor in my entire life.

Those who claimed to love us are not prepared to lose a quarter of their ill gotten wealth and unmerited jumbo package as sacrifices for being members of the national assembly, state assemblies ,Ministers, Governors, senior public officials and other political office holders who are not contributing anything tangible to the National cake or our common wealth.

Nigerians are funny set of people that are ever ready to shed crocodile tears onbehalf of multi dimentional poor people of Nigeria that are over 136 million at the last official figure released by the office of the DMO.

What a country!

When are we going to have an agreed living minimum wage in the country?

Nobody seems to have the timeline at this moment.

The organized labour is still brow beating and grandstanding like a rain beaten toothless bull dog.

The federal government is still undecided on the template on the realistic minimum wage.

The so-called tripartite committee on the minimum wage are in disarray without reaching a synergy or common ground on the vexed issue.

And the suffering continues in the land of the poor.

Too many crocodile tears flowing like Lagos Lagoon over minimum wage for Nigerian workers.

The poor should be allowed to breath and survive please.

Nobody wants to die of hunger or farmine.

It is a funny way to die.

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