Dr Salisu Ogbo Usman.
,,,,Warns against Cultism, other social vices.
By Dada Ahmed in Lokoja.
The Rector, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, north central Nigeria, Dr.Salisu Ogbo Usman, has assured the students of the readiness of institution to work round the clock to provide them with the best of training in character and learning.
He gave the assurance on Wednesday during the 31st Orientation and Matriculation Ceremonies of 2023/2024 Academic Session in Lokoja.
He said:”We have new and updated human and material resources specifically put in place to help fulfill your learning objectives.
“Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja is a student-centered Institution in all ramifications. Part of our salient mission is to build an environment that is conducive to group and independent learning experiences.
“We are, therefore, desirous of training students that will represent the pride and good image of the institution. We are confident that you will play significant role in attaining that goal.
“We will continue to work towards making the Polytechnic environment more user friendly and ensure your personal growth and development.
“We shall also continue to ensure that our graduates are responsible citizens who will contribute to the development of our dear Kogi State and Nigeria at large.
“While we are ready to ensure a conducive leaning environment for you, it is also our duty to acquaint you with the fundamental principles, norms and core values that will help you attain the ultimate goals.
“Our unique programmes are intended to inculcate in you, positive mental attitude and skills that will make you competitive anywhere in the world.
“We have recorded notable milestones in structural and systemic development which are geared towards making learning worthwhile.
“Our drive towards achieving infrastructural development is reflected in conducive offices, classrooms, lecture theatres, studios and laboratories spread across schools and departments.
“We also have wide range of entrepreneurial, vocational and skills acquisition facilities for you to explore and take advantage of.
“The Information Technology and Resource Centre (ITRC) of the Polytechnic is multifunctional and capable of seamlessly conducting e-examinations, checking fraud and assisting in security initiatives. “Aside exposing students to
ICT rudiments, the Centre also houses both internal and external examinations. Our General Studies examinations are computer-based and are held at the Centre. It is also an accredited facility for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
” The Centre has also helped in our result computation, which in turn speeds up the release of results. One of the benefits of e-result computation is early mobilization of our graduands for
youth service.
“We have well secure and affordable hostel facilities in the Polytechnic.
“We have also made it more affordable in the interest of students. We will continue to work towards ensuring majority of our students are accommodated on campus as part of our measures to checkmate all forms of security threats.
The Polytechnic has a developed, spacious and well-equipped library complex for studies and research. The Library has both physical and e-learning facilities for staff and students. I enjoin you to always access Library materials which are constantly restocked to enhance your studies and research work.
“The officers and men working at the Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello Security House located near the Main Gate are on the alert at all times, to protect lives and property of staff and students. I charge you all to be security conscious, and support our efforts by reporting suspicious activities.
“As part of the security measures of this Polytechnic, it is mandatory for you to be in possession of your student identification card at all times while on campus. You are advised to obey this simple but very important instruction to avoid embarrassment by the security agents.
As an institution, we recognize the impact and importance of Students’ Unions; hence our measures to include the leadership of these unions in all critical decision-making processes of the institution. I charge you to relate effectively with relevant student unions, especially the SUG and NAKOSS, so as to acquaint you with the latest decisions on issues affecting your collective
“However, let me use this opportunity to further reiterate that the ban on all tribal associations on campus is still in force until further notice. This is in the interest of collectivity and harmonious coexistence on the campus.
“To whom much is given, much is expected. In this regard, I must inform you that we have zero tolerance for all forms of social vices such as cultism, gun-running, examination malpractice, drug abuse, alcoholic addiction, unhealthy social gatherings, cybercrimes, incitement to violence, gangsterism, misuse and destruction of public property, stealing, indecent dressing, among others.
“My simple warning is for you to stay away from these vices to avoid running foul of the law. Any breach will attract appropriate penalty, including outright expulsion and prosecution.
” Ignorance of the law has no place in the Polytechnic and will not be condoned.
Let me particularly emphasize on cultism, which is completely forbidden on our campus. You are therefore warned to desist from any form of luring cultist related activities.
“It may interest you to know that, we have specifically put in place all visible and invisible security architectures in strategic places to deal with cultists, their sympathizers and sponsors.
You are therefore advised to stay free of all cult-related lifestyles.
“You are also advised to report any move intended to intimidate and lure you into or enlist you into cultism.
“We encourage you to be sterling examples of what moral discipline is. You are advised to dress modestly and in accordance with the acceptable standards. Undue exposure of body parts is considered provocative to the sensibilities of others, and will be severely dealt with.
“You can always access further information on how to dress on this campus on our posters, bill boards and
hand bills.
“The Polytechnic has three official worship centres on the campus, namely the Central Mosque (for Muslims), Chapel of Peace, and Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Church (for Christians). “Kogi State Polytechnic does not tolerate any act of religious fanaticism or intolerance of any form. Any incitement to religious violence and disharmony on this Campus will be met with official sanction.”
Our correspondent recalls that 4,349 students were matriculated at the occasion.