Adavi Abraham: Farewell to “Mr Peace”, seasoned movie producer, actor, administrator

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By Dada Ahmed.

Pa Momoh Ajagu,the sage of rich ebira cultural heritage and custodian of the great Acheuru mosquerade in Ebiraland, Kogi State, who tasted death in 1980, in one of his hit songs, was apt when he likened death to an imaginary person walking round the world, visiting homes without shoe.

Late Dr. Adavi Abraham.


He said because death, “a permanent cessation of all vital functions of body and the end of life”, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary,is always traversing the nooks and crannies of the universe bear footed,man does hear the sound of its footstep and as such, always fall prey to its grip.

Philosophers believe that beyond the mundane understanding of death as the inevitable end of man’s life lies the stark reality about man, his destiny and death.

No man lives forever, we will all die one day, because death is a debt hanging on everybody’s neck.

More than 60 years after the hit song,the import of Pa Ajagu’s belief on death continues to find relevance in philosophers’ belief that death is one phenomenon in human existence that is most hated and highly unwanted, yet remains an inevitable visitor to every home.


Obviously when death comes knocking and gain entrance to home,it often leaves the victims shattered, devastated,heart broken, with sour taste, serious psychological trauma, inflict wound very difficult to heal and create deep vaccum extremely hard to fill in many cases.

The psychological effect of losing a loved ones in the family or society at large, especially those whose positive impact means much to the advancement of humanity, can be just be described as imagined than said, as it is most painful.

This is the bitter pill the family of Dr Tolorunju Johnson Adavi Abraham,an icon of arts, culture, tradition and above all, a performing art guru,cum technocrat, movie producer of no mean importance and most importantly, God-fearing man will have to swallow for years ahead.

The immediate family recently lost their patriarch who bowed to death in a private hospital in Abuja on May 17,2022 having fought a courageous battle against an illness, leaving his aged mother,wife, children and others to mourn him.

For the late Abraham,who devoted most part of his of public life to propagate and project the rich cultural heritage and tradition of Ebiraland in kogi Senatorial district to the world, the saying that the day a man is born may not as important as the day he is buried could not have been more apt.

The import of this adage became apparent on June 9 and June 10,2023 when friends in their hundreds trooped to the residence of this iconic arts personified in Lokoja to bid him good bye at the end of his soujourn on this planet earth.

The large crowd of people that witnessed the solemn wake-keep I. his residence and church service at the Apostolic church, in Lokoja,from far and near speaks volume about the personality of Adavi Abraham,whose second name is “Mr Peace”.

The Church service which saw 18 pastors and other ordained Ministers officiating, was characterised by a galore of glowing tributes to the late Abraham.

In their sermons, the clerics did not fail to remind the living on the need to get closer to God in their deeds to pave way for their heavenly inheritance, stressing that no one knows when death will come calling.

Family members and others escorted the remains of Abraham to the last home (grave) with swollen faces, characterised by tsunamic tears as paid their last respect to the man they fondly referred to as ‘Mr Arts and culture” in all intents and purposes.

Abraham was born quietly on June 6,1958 at Ikare, Akoko Both Local Governnent Area of the present Ondo state to the family of Pa Itopa Abraham Avidime Abassi and Deaconess Oyinmire Rebecca Aishat Abraham, both of Ogaminana in Adavi Local Governnent Area of kogi state.

Abraham’s educatuon journey started at St.Thomas’ RCM Primary School,Oyinmo,Ikare-Akoko for his first leaving certificate from 1969 to 1974. There after, he attended Modern School,Oyinmo,Ikare-Akoko.
Thereafter he proceeded to Community Grammar School, Ifira, Ondo state from 1978 to 1981 when he obtained his secondary school certificate.

He studied at the University of Ilorin, Kwara state from 1982 to 1987, where he bagged BA(Hons) Performing Arts and MA in the same discipline. Not satisfied as a career civil servant,he went back to the same institution to obtain MA in Industrial Relations in 2005 perhaps to be able to have adequate intellectual capacity to contribute to smooth relationship between workers and government.

Besides these degrees, the deceased also obtained Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ),Abuja between 1998 and 1999. The late Abraham also acquired Diploma in Computer Science and Master in Chaplaincy (2010) from Mission for Africa Chaplaincy Institute,Mississippi, USA.

He was conferred with Honorary Doctorate degree by the National Institute of Information Technology and Record Management of Nigeria in October 2012, having been inducted as a fellow of the Institute. Until his death, he was a student of International University of Bemenda, Central Africa Republic (CAR) for his PhD in Media Arts.

Late Elder Dr TJA Abraham married to Patience and the union is blessed with children.

The deceased, who was Artistic Director, Kogi State Arts Council had the task to nurture the council to fruition at infancy a duty he did adequately and effectively as exemplified in the achievements of the council in various outings in and out side the shores of Nigeria.

He was a seasoned administrator who rose through ranks and file. He rose to the apex in the state’s civil service to be appointed as permanent secretary in State civil service due to dint of hard work and deligence until he was retired without any blemish.

For most people, particularly those who turned up at the burial ceremony of this arts and culture personified, it was difficult to believe that the icon has gone.

To them, it is not that they think that Abraham will live forever, afterall they are quite conscious of the fact that death is the inevitable end of any mortal.

But beyond the basic understanding of death is that perhaps, it was a wrong time to miss his influential voice and his much valued and verse experience in movie industry,arts and culture.

Dayo Daramola paid tribute to
Abraham thus,” You were a great man while alive and impacted on many, especially when you were with the state Arts Council. You will forever be remembered that, you came,saw and conquered. Rest on peacefully, brother Tolorunju!”.

An actor cum Journalist,who received his acting tutelage from Adavi, Bashir Mohammed said of the deceased.”I don’t know where to start talking about the late Dr Adavi Abraham. One thing is certain, kogi State and Nigeria has lost a guru in entertainment industry, particularly movies and stage drama.

He encouraged many youths, including me,to develop interest in acting and participating in movie production and stage drama. The history of entertainment in kogi state will be incomplete until the name,Adavi Abraham is mentioned.

“His spice into movie or stage drama production makes the work close to perfection because of his rich wealth of experience in movie production.

“With his great exploits at the Kogi State Arts Council and other notable works he did, it will be difficult for any other professional to wear the big shoe left behind,” he said.

Mr Otori Ozigi, a seasoned Journalist and media consultant, described the deceased as “an icon of Kogi State Civil Service, a lover of humanity.”

He said Abraham would be remembered as a man who stood for justice, fairness and equity, a thorough bred theatre practitioner who made his mark in the sound of history of his chosen profession before his death.

Abraham specialised in performing arts, dancing,choreography and writing, all of which he excelled in all ramifications. A prolific writer, Abraham was the author of Radio and Television Productions: A Theoretical Resource Concept as well as being a poet of note and credited with fellowship of many organisations.

In his condolence message, the Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin, Prof.Sulyman Age Abdulkareem, described the deceased as “great patroit and committed man,whose passionate pursuit of excellence would continue to be appreciated”.

He said the institution would not forget the great contribution of the late Abraham to its greatness in a hurry, having found him to be a dutiful professional who used his training and talents positively for the glory of the university.

The VC,who acknowledged that the deceased composed the university’s anthem, assured the students and other stakeholders of that bthe institution would continue to benefit from his soul-inspiring composition.

Contributing to the pool of tributes on this great man of the blessed memory, Alhaji D U, said, “Certainly, Kogi State has lost an iroko tree among notable figures in industry in Nigeria. The vacuum created by the death of this highly valued professional in movie,arts and culture subsector of the nation’s economy will be difficult to fill.

” He was a friend and a brother and I so much cherish his relationship because of his easy going culture friendliness and peaceful disposition to all that came across him in his 64 years of journey of life.

“Infact,some of us would readily tell the world that Abraham’s smile can reconcile the aggrieved. He was a man of peace personified.”

The General Manager/Chief Executive Officer, National Theatre, Lagos, Prof.Sunday Enessi Ododo, also described the deceased as “a mult-layered entity”.

He noted that the late “Abraham successfully balanced paradoxes to attain the verisimilitudes that became the pros;upon which he built the life of productivity that stood him out when he was alive.

“He was a creative ,a consumate professional on one hand and a public servant on the other, a scholar,and a churchman in his public appearance,” Ododo attested to Abraham’s fundamental legacies.”

To members of The Apostolic Church Nigeria ((TACN), where the deceased worshipped before his passage, though death is dreaded by all means, being agent of sorrow and pain,it is definitely not the end for people in Christ as it marks man’s transition from here to life there after. They will, however, miss the counsel of Abraham and his “unfeigned love for all.”

“We surely know that you were there is no injustice and that you are in a far better place than we are now.Oh! Death, where is thy sting,Oh! Grave, where is thy victory.

This is the parting tribute by christian brothers and sisters for a man,Dr Tolorunju John Adavi Abraham, who has fulfilled his purpose in life after solid 64 years on the planet earth.

Most touchy of all the tributes to this great man came from his daughter, Happiness Onize Abraham.
She says,”Daddy, where are you? When will you come back? You loved us and always play with us,and gave us money always. As we cannot see you now,who will be doing that for us,our dear lovely daddy? I wish you come back now but Jesus Christ loves you more and called you to Himself so that you will not see corruption. Rest in peace,Baba church.”

The permanent secretary, Deputy Governor’s office, where her father once served as permanent secretary,Mrs Zainab Obadaki-David was quick in reminding her not to loose hope over the death of her father.She urged the bereaved family to have absolute trust in God for their sustanability, adding that only Him can take care of them.

Y S Ogido, a writer, publisher and a poet ended the rain of tributes for Abraham thus:

“Trom our mother’s womb to that of earth
Adavi,you’d fought yours courageously, you won but couldn’t win all

“Death said” it’s enough”

“No weak person in death,he wins all

“My joy for

“No second death

Adieu! dear friend!

“You will remain remembered for ever in my writing career for your contribution.”

Most importantly, friends of Abraham say he will only rest in peace,if all, especially the leaders, work hard to ensure justice,better Nigeria, where poverty,hunger and disease are reduced to the barest minimum, his dreams while alive.

Dada Ahmed, a Journalist and writer, is the Publisher, The Reporters.

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