Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the U.S. after defeating President Trump. Despite the legal challenges being mounted by President Trump, the former Vice-President’s win is so broad-based that any meaningful legal effort may not succeed. It is yet to be seen if President Trump will actually mount a challenge because, last night, there were reports that his son- in-law, Jared Kushner, who also doubles as his special adviser, had advised him to concede. The defeat of the 45th President of the U.S. actually started in 2018, with the election of Democratic governors in Michigan and Wiscon; two states with Republican governors when he upset Clinton in 2016. Those states along with Pennsylvania are Democratic bastions going to every Democrat in the presidential elections since 1988. Trump flipped these states referred as the Blue-Wall surprisingly in 2016, with only about 75,000 total votes. Instead of expanding his appeal to moderates and independents, President Trump ran a base administration believing that his mammoth support from white voters will be enough to keep him in the White House. But the Democrats went right after the 2016 election to organize, and turned out their voters beginning in 2018. Those gains in 2018 laid the foundation for Trump’s defeat. Though the coronavirus response was a contributing factor, President Trump was already vulnerable before the virus because his approval rating was mired in the low 40s. His huge support among white voters was not enough to withstand a more united Democratic Party with some moderate Republicans, and a massive turnout of minority voters. His refusal to reckon with the current diversity of the country did him no favors in those states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona with huge minority influence.