A lady that owns a hair dressing salon came to me for counseling yesterday. In her narration, she said she employed a lady to take care of her salon. After working for some time, the lady left to set up her own.
“I am not angry that she left,” my client said in total displeasure:
“My annoyance is that she lied to me saying that she got another employer that offer to pay her higher.”
“The lady cannot be said to have lied.” I told my client. She truly have a new employer which is herself!
Do not brood over circumstance that happen to slow you down. If you do, you are adding to your own problem. It is just like a driver that drives to a hill. If the driver steps on his brakes, the vehicle will slow down the more. Instead, he has to accelerate in order to regain speed.
This morning, think better on what to do to fix that issue before you and do not waste time and energy asking why are things happening that way.