Words on marble by Liman Usman

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The way chances happen to people in life is such that if you study it carefully, you will understand there is no age of hopelessness. For instance, there are people that made it early in life and became well known but get to a point that though they are still alive, they are forgotten. Example is Mike Tyson who became world boxing champion at an early age.
On the other hand, some made it late in life and remain famous till they die and continue to be remembered even after their demise. Example is Nelson Mandela who became the president of South Africa at a very old age.

Got your spouse early or late, have child/children early or late, you realize your goal early or late, whichever is the case with you, be grateful. The important thing is, try to be happy always.

When faced with the harsh realities of life, it is hard to relax the mind. It is under such circumstance that the power of the mind tends to overwhelm its owner, but one good thing about the mind is that its force can be channeled to any direction you the owner point it at. If you point it at good, it goes. Likewise if you point it at bad.

I hope you will find a positive direction to point your mind today.
Do have a remarkable day.






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