When I was yet a child, my mother had warned me many times not to walk about without my shoes, but I wouldn’t hear. One day, I stepped on a sharp object and it injured my foot badly. I was afraid to show it to my mother. My friends told me to break open dried cell battery and apply the black substance to the wound, to which I did.
The pain became worse and I started to limp. In the end, my mother got to know. I received some few floggings, but I was treated.
Most times we want to hide our mistakes from our maker because we are afraid. We get wrong counsel from our minds and friends which make things worse.
The interesting thing is that whether we like it or not, we can’t hide it from God. Since this is true, there is no point trying to hide it.
Tell it to Him. He doesn’t have who to share your secrets with. That is the assuring aspect of it.
With this, I welcome you to a new day. May everything be good and nice for you in the day.