I have some questions for everyone to ponder and discuss in their own homes.
1. What is your plan if a member of your household got sick with covid-19?
2. Do you know where your closest covid-19 test center is?
3. Do you have a room to isolate the sick person in or what will you do?
4. If the breadwinner of your home gets sick, what is the plan?
5. Do you have adequate health insurance? Do you have a life insurance policy? Do you know where the policy documents are? Are premiums paid up to date?
*For those who live alone*
1. What is your plan in case you get sick?
2. Do you have someone who regularly checks up on you? Does that person have instructions on what to do if they haven’t heard from you in a certain period of time?
3. Does someone have a key to your home?
*Single Mums*
1. What is the plan if you get seriously sick with covid-19?
2. What have you instructed your children to do?
3. Who is their designated secondary care giver?
These are all real questions that at least in our mind we should have an answer to and a bit of a plan or preparation.
This is not being a doomsday prophet but just being realistic. Having a plan and being prepared usually helps in the face of any challenge.
By the way, the answer to ANY of the above questions is NOT “God will help us”. He will, but we must have a plan.
Discuss with your household… or discuss here, but those discussions must be had.
God help us all.(copied).